



Back One Out come from different experiences which have made them grow up a lot in the musical field. Every song has a different sound and different influences, you never know what to expect from them. Their music is unique partly because of the voice melodies, surrounded by beautiful choruses, partly because of the distinctive basic melodies of bass and guitar and even due to a really good drummer, who can play in a very fast and precise way. Between April and May 2006 the band recorded their first CD, containing 11 songs, recorded at “West Link” studios in Italy and mastered at "West West Side Music" in U.S.A. “Helpless” is a forty-minutes mix of powerful and melodic sounds; eleven of twenty-eight songs have been chosen to make part of this brand new album. This production is the result of two long and intense years of writing and arranging new melodies, a really hard work, that has completely engaged them for all this time.


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